Mar 30, 2024, 5:49 AM
Mar 29, 2024, 12:00 AM

New York City's mayor was in jail on Good Friday when he wasbaptized by Reverend Al Sharpton

Daily Mail
NYC Mayor Eric Adams is baptized by Rev. Al Sharpton

New York City Mayor Eric Adams was baptized at notorious Rikers Island jail on Good Friday. Rev. Al Sharpton baptized the mayor at the notorious jail. Adams is the son of former New York Mayor Richard D. E. Howard Howard, who was baptized by Sharpton. Adams was the first mayor to be baptized in New York since 1964.

ABC News
New York City's mayor gets baptized in jail by Rev. Al Sharpton on Good Friday

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has received a jailhouse baptism from Rev. Al Sharpton. The mayor was baptized in jail by Sharpton on Good Friday. Sharpton baptized Adams in jail on the Good Friday morning. The Rev. Sharpton also baptised Adams in a New York jailhouse ceremony.

Associated Press
New York City's mayor gets baptized in jail by Rev. Al Sharpton on Good Friday

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has received a jailhouse baptism from Rev. Al Sharpton. The ceremony on Friday came as part of a scheduled visit to the Rikers Island jail complex where Adams was expected to meet with detainees on the Christian holiday, Good Friday. The mayor was scheduled to visit Rikers.

Fox News
New York City's mayor gets baptized in jail by Rev. Al Sharpton on Good Friday

Mayor of New York City received a jailhouse baptism from Rev. Al Sharpton on Good Friday at the Rikers Island jail complex. Eric Adams joined in on the rite with a group of incarcerated men. The mayor was baptized in jail by Sharpton at the complex.


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