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Mar 15, 2024, 11:00 AM

The Vatican's statement on gender is surprising and misses an opportunity

New Yorker
The Vatican’s Statement on Gender Is Unsurprising, and a Missed Opportunity

The Vatican’s Statement on Gender Is Unsurprising, and a Missed Opportunity. Paul Elie writes about “Dignitas Infinita” A new document from the Roman Catholic Church addresses “the dignity of the human person in Christian anthropology”

What's the Vatican Statement on Gender Theory Really About?

What's the Vatican Statement on Gender Theory really About? What's it really about? Catholic Church releases document Dignitas infinita on gender theory and sex change operations. The document is a statement of support for the Church's position on sex-change operations. It's a response to a series of questions raised by the Catholic Church.

The Vatican’s new statement on trans rights undercuts its attempts at inclusion

LGBTQ groups have lambasted a new document for taking anti-trans positions. The Vatican’s new statement on trans rights undercuts its attempts at inclusion. LGBTQ groups lambasted the new document as undercutting the church's attempts to include the church. The document is a statement of support for the LGBT community.

NY Daily News
Vatican says surrogacy, gender-affirmation surgery are ‘affront to human dignity’

Vatican slams surrogacy, gender-affirming surgery and gender theory as 'grave violations of human dignity' Document released by Vatican slams gender theory, gender theory and surrogacy as 'violations of dignity' Vatican: 'Gender theory is a violation of human rights and dignity'

Associated Press
Transgender Catholics say new Vatican document shows no understanding of their lives

Transgender Catholics say new Vatican document shows no understanding of their lives. Vatican document rejects the fundamental concept of changing one’s biological sex. Transgender Catholics are voicing disappointment with the new document. Vatican says it will not allow people to change their biological sex at all levels.

Chicago Tribune
Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity

Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity. From a pope who has made outreach to the LGBTQ+ community a hallmark of his papacy, the document was a setback for trans Catholics. The document was published by Pope Francis, a Catholic leader who has said he is committed to the LGBT community.

Daily Mail
Vatican slams sex changes in rare Pope Francis boost to conservatives

The Vatican's doctrinal office in a landmark document ruled against sex changes procedures, radical gender theory, surrogate parenthood, abortions, and euthanasia. The Vatican also ruled against radical gender theories and abortions. Pope Francis has been seen as a rare boost to conservatives in the conservative church.

Washington Examiner
Vatican condemns surrogacy and gender transitions as ‘grave violations of human dignity’ - Washington Examiner

Vatican condemns surrogacy and gender transitions as ‘grave violations of human dignity’ - Washington Examiner.com. Vatican condemned surrogacy, gender transitions, and gender theory in its most recent publication on human dignity. The Vatican condemns gender theory and surrogacy as 'grave violations'

Daily Mail
Vatican declares sex-change surgery grave violations of human dignity

Vatican declares sex-change surgery grave violations of human dignity. Vatican rejects 'gender theory' or idea that one's gender can be changed. Vatican also rejects idea that a person can change their gender by undergoing surgery. Vatican: Sex-change surgeries are 'grave violations of the dignity of humanity'

NBC News
Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity

The Vatican declares gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy as grave violations of human dignity. It puts them on par with abortion and euthanasia as practices that reject God’s plan for human life. The Vatican blasts gender theory and gender surgery as violations of dignity.

CBS News
Catholic Church blasts gender-affirming surgery and maternal surrogacy as affronts to human dignity

Catholic Church blasts gender-affirming surgery and maternal surrogacy as affronts to human dignity. Catholic Church's new document is largely a reiteration of opposition to practices it deems inconsistent with God's plan for human life. The Catholic Church says it will continue to voice opposition to such practices.

ABC News
Vatican blasts sex change surgery, surrogacy as threats to human dignity

Vatican blasts sex change surgery, surrogacy as threats to human dignity. Vatican declares sex change operations and surrogacy are grave threats to dignity. The Vatican has declared that sex change operations and surrogacy are a grave threat to human dignity.

ABC News
The Vatican blasts sex change surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as grave threats to human dignity

The Vatican blasts sex change surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as grave threats to human dignity. Vatican blasts gender theory and sex change surgeries as threats to dignity. The Vatican also blasts the practice as a threat to the human dignity of all genders. The practice is illegal in the U.S. and Canada.

The Vatican says surrogacy and gender theory are 'grave threats' to human dignity

The Vatican says surrogacy and gender theory are 'grave threats' to human dignity. Poverty, war and the abuse of migrants lead the list of violations of dignity. The document is called "Infinite Dignity" and details what the Vatican sees as grave violations of Dignity.

Associated Press
Vatican blasts sex change surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as grave threats to human dignity

Vatican blasts sex change surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as grave threats to human dignity. Vatican declares sex change operations and surrogacy are a threat to dignity. The Vatican has declared that sex change operations and. surrogacy and gender theory are a serious threat to human. dignity.

Sex-change surgery threatens ‘unique dignity’ of a person, Vatican says

Vatican issues strong warning against ‘gender theory’ and says sex-change surgery risks threatening ‘unique dignity’ of a person. Vatican says surgery threatens the "unique dignity" of people. Pope Francis signed off and approved a new document signed off by Pope Francis.

Gender-affirming surgery threatens ‘unique dignity’ of a person, Vatican says

Vatican says gender-affirming surgery threatens ‘unique dignity’ of a person. Vatican has issued a strong warning against ‘gender theory’ in a new document signed off and approved by Pope Francis. The Vatican has said that any gender affirming surgery risks threatening ‘the unique dignity” of people.

Vatican Condemns Gender-Affirming Surgery, Gender Theory And Surrogacy As Threats To Human ‘Dignity’

Pope Francis and the Vatican reject gender-affirming surgery, gender theory and surrogacy as major threats to human dignity. Catholic teachings on abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide. Vatican Condemns Gender-Affirming Surgery, Gender Theory And Surrogacy as Threats To Human 'Dignity'

Sky News
Vatican says sex change operations and surrogacy are 'grave threats' to human dignity

Vatican has published a new 20-page declaration, approved by Pope Francis. It sets out its position on a number of social issues, including sex change operations and surrogacy. The Vatican says the move is a 'grave threat' to human dignity. It has been criticised by some as being a 'fundamental error' in the Church.

Vatican stands firm on social issues like sex change and surrogacy

The Vatican stands firm on social issues like sex change and surrogacy. The Vatican remains opposed to concepts like abortion and euthanasia. It describes them as "grave violations" and calls them 'grave violations' The Vatican is opposed to abortion, euthanasia and sex change.

Euro News
Vatican calls gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy violations of hum

The Vatican's new doctrine puts gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy on par with abortion and euthanasia. The Vatican calls the practice a violation of human dignity. The new doctrine also includes the death penalty for transgiracial surgery and the use of anesthetic drugs.

ABC News
Vatican to publish document on gender, surrogacy and human dignity next week

Vatican to publish document on gender, surrogacy and human dignity next week. Document on gender theory and surrogacy expected to be published next week in advance. Vatican will publish document next week on human dignity and gender theory. Vatican to release document on surrogacy, gender theory, human dignity in advance of next week's release.

Associated Press
Vatican to publish document on gender, surrogacy and human dignity next week

Vatican to publish document on gender, surrogacy and human dignity next week. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, will hold his first news conference. The document on human dignity will be presented at a news conference on April 8.

The Pope of Gender

Judith Butler has seen her ideas seep out into the real world. Butler is the author of a new book, "The Pope of Gender," published by Simon Cowan. Butler's work has been translated into a book, The Pope of gender, published in New York City.
