Apr 14, 2024, 12:02 PM
Apr 8, 2024, 9:45 AM

Health Secretary claims cigar-chomping Winston Churchill would support a smoking ban

Daily Mail
Cigar-chomping Winston Churchill would back smoking ban - minister

Health Secretary Victoria Atkins used Churchill to hit back at party critics of the plan for a rolling age limit on using tobacco. She said the plan was 'unconservative' amid claims that the legislation is 'un conservative' But the minister said Winston Churchill would back a smoking ban.

Health Secretary claims cigar-chomping Winston Churchill would back smoking ban

Victoria Atkins invoked wartime PM Winston Churchill in plea to Tory MPs. But his grandson said Churchill 'certainly wouldn't have approved' Health Secretary claims cigar-chomping Churchill would back smoking ban. He said: 'He would certainly have approved it' but his grandson says he would not have backed it.

If Biden Bans Menthol Cigarettes, Could He Hand the Election to Trump? It’s a Valid Concern.

If Biden Bans Menthol Cigarettes, Could He Hand the Election to Trump? It’s a valid concern. Millions of people smoke them. Just a few votes could really matter, says CNN's John Sutter. Sutter: Millions of them smoke them. Millions of votes could matter.


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