Apr 9, 2024, 5:50 AM
Apr 9, 2024, 12:00 AM

During Severe Weather Awareness Week in Minnesota, the Red Cross is offering tornado, thunderstorm safety tips

CBS News
Red Cross offers tornado, thunderstorm safety tips during Severe Weather Awareness Week in Minnesota

Red Cross offers tornado, thunderstorm safety tips during Severe Weather Awareness Week in Minnesota. Experts say now is the time to be prepared for the potential of tornadoes, floods and storms in the coming months. Red Cross: Now is the best time to prepare for tornadoes and thunderstorms.

CBS News
How the Red Cross can help prepare you for severe weather in Minnesota

Severe Weather Awareness Week is a good time to prepare for severe weather. Severe weather awareness week is February 1. The Red Cross is offering tips on how to prepare in case of severe weather in Minnesota. The Minnesota Red Cross has more information on severe weather preparedness and resources.

CBS News
This Red Cross app can help keep you safe during severe weather

This week is Severe Weather Awareness Week. This is the best time to prepare for a disaster is before it happens. This year's Severe weather awareness week is on the Red Cross's website. The Red Cross app can help keep you safe during severe weather. It can be downloaded to help keep people safe in the event of a disaster.


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