Apr 9, 2024, 5:43 PM
Apr 8, 2024, 9:25 PM

The funeral of popular traveller 'Big Daddy' was attended by hundreds of mourners

Daily Mail
Hundreds of mourners remember popular traveller 'Big Daddy'

James Coffey's coffin was carried out of the church and into one of nine Rolls Royce vehicles. The service was conducted at St Alban on the Moors Parish in Splott, Cardiff. Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of 'Big Daddy' on Saturday.

Hundreds attend funeral of beloved 'Big Daddy' with Rolls Royces and gold coffin

Hundreds attend funeral of 'Big Daddy' James Coffey with Rolls Royces and gold coffin. He has been placed in a plot with his wife 'Big Mommy' in Wales. Coffey was a popular traveller who was dubbed 'BigDaddy' by his wife.

Yahoo! News
Rolls Royces, a gold coffin, and incredible flower displays as hundreds say farewell to man known as 'Big Daddy'

Jim 'Big Daddy' Coffey was among the most renowned travellers in the country. He was one of the most famous travellers in Britain. Coffey's funeral was held in front of a gold coffin in a bid to mark his passing away. Hundreds of people attended the funeral of the man known as Big Daddy.


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