Apr 17, 2024, 11:00 AM
Apr 9, 2024, 12:14 PM

More than a billion dollars from fraudulent covid relief recipients have been seized by the feds

COVID stimulus money lined the pockets of scammers and fueled inflation

stimulus money lined the pockets of scammers and fueled inflation. Money supposedly spent to help Americans may actually have done a lot of damage. Stimulus money may have been used to help scammers, fraudsters and inflation, experts say. It's not the first time stimulus money has ever been used in the United States.

Nearly $100 billion in COVID relief money remains unspent

$100 billion in pandemic relief aid for state and local governments remains unspent. One year after Congress ended the COVID-19 national emergency, nearly $100 million in relief money remains unclaimed. Nearly $100billion in COVID relief money has been spent since COVID ended last year.

Feds Have Seized More Than $1.4 Billion From Fraudulent Covid Relief Recipients

Three years into its work, a federal task force has seized more than $1.4 billion in Covid-19 fraud. It's likely only a fraction of the total losses, but it's likely less than half the total. The task force is focused on the fraudulent recipients of relief funds.


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