Apr 16, 2024, 12:00 AM
Apr 10, 2024, 6:57 AM

Israel demanded an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council after the Iranian attack

Euro News
Is Europe prepared for nuclear catastrophe at Zaporizhzhia?

Attacks on Europe's largest nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine remain worrying. Zaporizhzhia is Europe's biggest nuclear power station in the world. Europe is not prepared for nuclear catastrophe at Zaporzhia, experts say. Attacks on the plant are worrying, according to experts.

Washington Examiner
Israel demands emergency meeting of UN Security Council following Iranian attack - Washington Examiner

Israel demands emergency meeting of UN Security Council following Iranian attack. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan sent a letter to U.N. Security Council President Vanessa Frazier requesting an emergency meeting. Iran's attack on Israel has been condemned as 'grave violations' by Israel.

UN nuclear watchdog's board sets emergency meeting after Zaporizhzhia attacks

UN nuclear watchdog's board sets emergency meeting after Zaporizhzhia attacks. Ukraine and Russia accused each other of drone attacks on the plant. UN watchdog's Board of Governors will hold emergency meeting at request of both countries. Russia and Ukraine accused each of attacking each other over drone attacks.


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