Apr 11, 2024, 7:26 AM
Feb 4, 2013, 12:00 AM

“The Embassy of Cambodia”

ABC News
Cambodia's relocation of people from UNESCO site raises concerns

Cambodia's program to relocate people living on the famous Angkor archaeological site is drawing international concern over possible human rights abuses. Authorities maintain they're doing nothing more than protecting UNESCO World Heritage Si. Cambodia's relocation of people from UNESCO site raises concerns. Authorities say they're protecting the UNESCO world heritage site.

Associated Press
Cambodia's relocation of people from UNESCO site raises concerns

UNESCO calls it one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia. Cambodia's relocation of people from UNESCO site raises concerns. Cambodia’s relocation is critical to its tourism industry, UNESCO says. Cambodia has been criticized for moving people from the site in recent years.

New Yorker
“The Embassy of Cambodia”

Fiction from Zadie Smith: “Who would expect the Embassy of Cambodia? Nobody. Nobody could have expected it, or be expecting it. It’s a surprise, to us all.”


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