Apr 22, 2024, 11:00 AM
Apr 2, 2024, 12:00 AM

Researchers solved the mystery of a dense galaxy at the heart of a perfect 'Einstein ring' by using the James Webb telescope

Live Science
James Webb telescope's 'shocking' discovery may hint at hidden exomoon around 'failed star'

James Webb telescope's'shocking' discovery may hint at hidden exomoon around 'failed star' JWST's surprise discovery of methane emissions and likely aurorae over a distant brown dwarf could indicate this "failed star" is orbited by an active moon.

Live Science
Researchers solve mystery of inexplicably dense galaxy at the heart of perfect 'Einstein ring' snapped by James Webb telescope

Researchers solve mystery of inexplicably dense galaxy at the heart of perfect 'Einstein ring' last year. James Webb Space Telescope discovered an inexplicably. dense galaxy inside an "Einstein" ring. Now, researchers think they can. explain this cosmic conundrum, they say.

Live Science
James Webb telescope zooms in on brightest explosion ever witnessed by humanity — and uncovers a cosmological mystery

James Webb telescope zooms in on brightest explosion ever witnessed by humanity. Gamma-ray burst nicknamed the BOAT is believed to be the brightest explosion seen in 2022. But the James Webb Telescope's search for its origins has only thrown up more questions. It's believed the explosion is the brightest ever seen by humans.

Physicists solve puzzle about ancient galaxy found by Webb telescope

Physicists solve puzzle about ancient galaxy found by Webb telescope. JWST-ER1g formed when the universe was just a quarter of its current age. It formed a massive ancient galaxy that formed when universe was a quarter-of-its-age age.


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