Apr 12, 2024, 6:53 PM
Apr 12, 2024, 4:32 PM

The return of horse-drawn caissons to Arlington National Cemetery is delayed for a while

Yahoo! News
The return of horse-drawn caissons to Arlington National Cemetery is delayed for at least months

Two horses died in 2022 as a result of poor feed and living conditions. The Army suspended use of the gray and black horses for funerals last year. Officials say they are making progress buying new horses, getting better equipment and improving facilities. The return of caissons at Arlington National Cemetery is being delayed for months and maybe longer.

Associated Press
The return of horse-drawn caissons to Arlington National Cemetery is delayed for at least months

The Army says it will not restart the use of horse-drawn caissons at Arlington National Cemetery for months and maybe longer. The Army struggles to improve the care of the horses as it struggles to keep the horses in good condition. The return of the caissions is expected to be delayed for at least months.


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