Apr 24, 2024, 12:39 AM
Apr 15, 2024, 6:07 PM

The supporters of the Pamela Price recall renewed their push for a special election to decide her fate

CBS News
Supporters of Alameda County DA Pamela Price recall renew push for special election

Supporters of Alameda County DA Pamela Price recall renew push for special election. They want the county Board of Supervisors to call for a special election as soon as possible. Supporters of the effort to recall Price are taking every opportunity to pressure the board of supervisors to do so.

CBS News
Supporters of Alameda County DA Pamela Price recall want special election to decide her fate

Supporters of a recall campaign want special election to decide her fate. They want a special election as soon as possible. Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price is facing a recall trial. She is accused of misusing the law to protect the public from harm. The DA's office is located in Alameda, California, near Oakland.

CBS News
Supporters of Alameda County DA Pamela Price recall want special election to decide her fate

Supporters of a recall campaign want special election to decide her fate. They want a special election as soon as possible. Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price is facing a recall trial. She is accused of misusing the law to protect the public from harm. The DA's office is located in Alameda, California, near Oakland.

Daily Mail
Woke Oakland DA Pamela Price will face recall vote after petition

Oakland District Attorney Pamela Price set to face recall vote after 15 months. Mass movement to get rid of her getting enough signatures over soaring crime rate. Woke Oakland DA Pamela Price is set to be recalled after just 15 months in office. Oakland has seen a spike in crime rates in recent years.

CBS News
Pamela Price recall supporters collect enough signatures, call for special election

A group seeking to oust Alameda County DA Pamela Price announce they have collected enough signatures to force a recall election. They hope the recall election will happen sooner rather than later. Pamela Price is the DA in Alameda, California, who is seeking to be removed from office.

CBS News
Recall effort against Alameda DA Pamela Price secures enough valid signatures for election

There are enough valid signatures to call for a recall election of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price. The county registrar of voters said Monday that the recall effort secured enough signatures for the election. Alameda DA Pamela Price was elected to office in November. Price is a longtime law enforcement officer in the district.


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