Apr 18, 2024, 2:31 AM
Apr 16, 2024, 12:00 AM

The Colorado Senate failed to pass a bill that would have lifted the statute of limitations for child sex assault survivors

CBS News
Resolution lifting statute of limitations for child sex assault survivors fails amid Republican opposition at Colorado Capitol

A constitutional amendment referring the question to voters failed in the state senate after every Republican voted against it. Colorado voters will not get the chance to weigh in on whether the statute of limitations should be lifted for child sex assault civil cases. Every Republican vote against lifting statute of limitation for civil cases failed in state senate.

CBS News
Colorado Senate fails to pass bill that would lift statute of limitations for child sex assault

Colorado Senate fails to pass bill that would lift statute of limitations for child sex assault no matter how long ago it happened. The state Senate failed to pass the bill. The bill would lift the statute of limitation for child sexual assault no longer than 30 years old no matter what happened.

CBS News
High-profile sex assault survivor urges Colorado Senate Republicans to pass constitutional amendment

A constitutional amendment -- pushed by survivors of child sexual assault -- hangs in the balance at the State Capitol. Colorado Republicans line up against the amendment, saying it's too late for the amendment to be passed. The amendment is being pushed by Colorado Republicans, who want to keep it from being passed.

CBS News
High-profile sex assault survivor urges Colorado Senate Republicans to pass constitutional amendment

A constitutional amendment -- pushed by survivors of child sexual assault -- hangs in the balance at the State Capitol. Colorado Republicans line up against the amendment, saying it's too late for the amendment to be passed. The amendment is being pushed by Colorado Republicans, who want to keep it from being passed.


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