Apr 17, 2024, 1:30 PM
Apr 17, 2024, 1:30 PM

The strength of the US oil exports is being bet on by Gibson

Gibson Bets on Permian Strength Powering US Oil Exports Growth

Gibson Energy is betting that swelling oil output in the Permian Basin will fuel continued growth in US crude exports. Gibson Energy bought a major Gulf Coast terminal for about $1.1 billion last year. Gibson bought the terminal in a deal worth $1 billion to boost profits.

Yahoo! News
Gibson Bets on Permian Strength Powering US Oil Exports Growth

Canada's Gibson Energy is betting that swelling oil output in the Permian Basin will fuel continued growth in US crude exports. Gibson Energy bought a major Gulf Coast terminal for about $1.1 billion last year. The company is betting it will boost profit from the terminal it bought last year for $1 billion.


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