Apr 17, 2024, 5:02 PM
Apr 17, 2024, 12:00 AM

The lower house of Switzerland moved to ban use of Nazi and extremist symbols that could stir violence

ABC News
Switzerland's lower house moves to ban use of Nazi and extremist symbols that could stir violence

Lower house of Swiss parliament approves ban on use of Nazi and extremist symbols. Measure would ban use of, public wearing or display of Nazi or racist symbols that could foment extremist hate or violence. Measure follows in footsteps of Senate, or upper house, and follows suit of Senate.

Associated Press
Swiss lower house adopts move to ban use of Nazi and extremist symbols that could stir violence

Swiss lower house adopts move to ban use of use of Nazi and extremist symbols that could stir violence. Measure would ban the use of, public wearing or display of Nazi or racist symbols. Lower house follows in the footsteps of the Senate, or upper house, and has approved measure.

Fox News
Swiss parliament approves Nazi symbol display ban

Swiss parliament approves Nazi symbol display ban. Measure bans use, wearing and display of extremist and Nazi-related symbols. Lower house of the Swiss parliament approved the measure Wednesday. Measure also bans the use of extremist or Nazi symbols in the country's national capital, the Swiss capital.


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