Apr 20, 2024, 2:20 AM
Apr 19, 2024, 1:52 PM

Giancarlo Esposito says he was ‘scheming’ his own murder before ‘Breaking Bad’ success

NY Post
Giancarlo Esposito says he was ‘scheming’ his own murder before ‘Breaking Bad’ success

Actor Giancarlo Esposito says he was in dire financial straits before 'Breaking Bad' success. Espositito admits he considered killing himself for the money. The actor says he considered suicide before success of the show. Esosposito: "Breaking Bad's" success was a big mistake for actor.

Daily Mail
Giancarlo Esposito reveals he nearly arranged his own murder

Giancarlo Esposito reveals he nearly arranged his own murder. He considered arranging the murder so his children could collect the insurance money. Espositito's financial woes got so bad that he considered arranging his own death so his kids could collect insurance money from his insurance company.

NBC News
Before 'Breaking Bad,' Giancarlo Esposito considered arranging his own murder for insurance money

Giancarlo Esposito revealed he was so broke prior to his role as Gus Fring on 'Breaking Bad' He considered arranging his own murder so his kids could get life insurance money. Espositito said he was broke before his role in the series.


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