Apr 24, 2024, 2:27 AM
Apr 21, 2024, 4:00 PM

The race call explained why AP called the Pennsylvania 12th District primary for Summer Lee

Associated Press
Why AP called the Pennsylvania 12th District primary for Summer Lee: Race call explained

First-term Democratic U.S. Rep. Summer Lee wins Pennsylvania's 12th District primary. Lee is a first-term incumbent in the 12th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. Lee's primary victory was the first time the AP called the race for Lee in the past two decades.

The Guardian
Summer Lee wins Pennsylvania primary in victory for progressives

Summer Lee wins Pennsylvania primary in victory for progressives. The significant victory for the 'Squad' member comes amid concerns of pro-Israel funding targeting pro-ceasefire candidates. Summer Lee is a member of the ‘Squad’ member of a pro-casefire congressional committee.

How progressive ceasefire advocate Summer Lee defanged the opposition ahead of her primary in Pennsylvania

Summer Lee defanged the opposition ahead of her primary in Pennsylvania. Lee is getting used to this. Summer Lee is a candidate for a Democratic primary primary in the state of Pennsylvania. She is a longtime supporter of the state legislature and advocate for a national ceasefire. Lee says she wants the state to be a model for a state of peace.


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