May 10, 2024, 4:00 AM
May 9, 2024, 4:00 AM

More than half of public employees in defined benefit pension plans will never receive aPayout

Public pension funds should avoid local economically targeted investments - Reason Foundation

Public pension funds should avoid local economically targeted investments, says Reason Foundation. While some politicians may be tempted by calls for public pensions to invest in local economies, a public pension fund's duty is to provide promised retirement benefits to plan's participants. Public pension fund should not invest in economically-targeted investments, argues Reason Foundation.

Nearly half of public employees in defined benefit pension plans will never receive a payout - Reason Foundation

Defined contribution and cash balance plans can do a better job of providing benefits to more employees. State and local governments should not continue to support traditional defined benefit-only retirement programs with long vesting periods to the detriment of the retirement security of the many workers


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