May 14, 2024, 12:00 AM
May 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

Team PTL played musical chairs at the PTL 20th anniversary celebration

CBS News
Team PTL played musical chairs at the PTL 20th anniversary celebration

We still have so much to show you from our 20th-anniversary celebration. Team PTL got to play musical chairs with YaJagoff's John Chamberlin and Rachael Rennebeck!

CBS News
Lee Terbosic's amazing magic at PTL's 20th anniversary show

We took you back to the Pittsburgh Playhouse for a little magic! Lee Terbosic amazed the live audience with his talent. It's something you did not get to see last Friday!

CBS News
Lee Terbosic amazed the crowd at the PTL 20th anniversary celebration

We took you back to the Pittsburgh Playhouse this morning for a little magic! Lee Terbosic amazed the live audience with his talent. It's something you did not get to see last Friday!


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