May 14, 2024, 4:54 PM
May 13, 2024, 3:12 PM

Jen Psaki Corrects False Claim About Biden Looking at Watch During Ceremony

  • Jen Psaki falsely claimed in her new book that President Biden did not look at his watch during a ceremony for fallen troops.
  • She will update future editions of her book after the claim was debunked.
  • The false claim has caused controversy and raised questions about the accuracy of the book.

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in her new book that President Joe Biden did not look at his watch during a ceremony for American troops who died in Afghanistan in 2021. However, this claim was found to be false by Axios. Psaki accused Biden's critics of spreading false information to make him seem uncaring about the time passed. This contradicts photos, fact-checks, and accounts from family members of the troops who died in Afghanistan. During the ceremony, Biden was seen checking his watch multiple times, including while caskets were being transferred. Family members of the victims also confirmed this. One father, Mark Schmitz, expressed his frustration in front of Congress, saying he saw Biden checking his watch repeatedly. Another mother, Shana Chappell, criticized Biden on Facebook for disrespecting them by checking his watch multiple times. After Axios published the story, Psaki admitted her mistake and said that the part about Biden checking his watch multiple times will be removed from future editions of her book. This incident caused controversy and criticism towards Biden for his actions during the ceremony. Psaki's book will be updated to correct this error.


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