May 14, 2024, 9:06 AM
May 14, 2024, 9:02 AM

Maradona's heirs want to stop the auction of his Golden Ball trophy

NY Post
Maradona heirs say his Golden Ball trophy was stolen, want to stop its auction

Diego Maradona’s heirs will launch a lawsuit to try and stop the auction of a trophy he was awarded after the 1986 World Cup won by Argentina, their lawyer said.

Daily Mail
Maradona's heirs fight to block auction of 'stolen' Golden Ball trophy

The Golden Ball trophy is expected to 'make millions' at auction next month but daughters Dalma and Gianinna claim it was stolen by by the Mafia in 1989 and want the sale halted

Associated Press
AP exclusive: Maradona heirs say his Golden Ball trophy was stolen. They want to stop its auction

Diego Maradona’s heirs want to stop the auction of a trophy he was awarded after the 1986 World Cup won by Argentina.


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