May 17, 2024, 1:36 PM
May 17, 2024, 1:36 PM

I am bored of teaching ignorant Argentinians about Britain's right to the Falklands

Yahoo! News
I’m bored of educating ignorant Argentinians about Britain’s right to the Falklands

It’s now 42 years since Argentina embarked on its doomed attempt to take the Falkland Islands by force. They were humiliated and kicked out by the British Task Force a mere 70 days later. The Falkland Islanders will fight to the last man and woman to defend their homeland.

The Telegraph
I’m bored of educating ignorant Argentinians about Britain’s right to the Falklands

You might have seen the sketch about German officers in WW2 where one asks “Are we the baddies?”. Clearly, Argentine veterans haven’t


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