May 29, 2024, 1:50 PM
May 28, 2024, 1:25 PM

Germany updates military service vaccination requirement

  • Germany has removed the COVID-19 vaccination requirement for military servicepeople.
  • The new model for military service in Germany is now 'largely voluntary.'
  • This change reflects a shift in policy regarding mandatory vaccinations.

Germany has decided that military service members no longer have to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Before, they had to get vaccines for diseases like measles and flu. If someone didn't want the COVID-19 vaccine, they could get in trouble. But now, the Defense Minister changed this rule based on advice from medical experts. Instead of a rule, it's now just a strong suggestion to get the vaccine. This change happened while a court was looking at a complaint about the old rule. Germany thought about making all adults get the COVID-19 vaccine, but many people didn't like this idea. In April 2022, a law that would have made only people over 60 get vaccinated was also rejected. Germany has decided not to bring back mandatory military service because they were worried it might upset some voters. The Defense Minister shared a new plan that offers benefits like student discounts and free language courses to attract people to join the military. Another politician suggested bringing back mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if their party wins the election. The change in plans seems to be because of concerns about how young people and voters might react. People over 18 may need to answer questions about their health to join the military under the new plan. The new plan is much less strict than before and is more like expanding the military's current recruitment programs. The Defense Ministry's change in direction, despite previously supporting mandatory service, shows a shift in focus. The government is now more careful about how they talk about the military to not upset certain voters before the EU elections.
