May 29, 2024, 10:34 PM
May 28, 2024, 2:58 PM

Angela Rayner cleared of criminal wrongdoing following police investigation

  • Angela Rayner has been cleared of criminal wrongdoing over the sale of her home in Stockport in 2015.
  • Police stated that no further action will be taken after the council house probe involving the deputy Labour leader.
  • Rayner criticized the Tories for urging officers to investigate, calling it 'desperate tactics.'

Angela Rayner was accused of not paying tax on a house she sold, but the police found she did nothing wrong. The police said they can't investigate tax issues, so they shared the information with the local council and tax authority. Angela Rayner said she would quit if she broke the law, but the police found no reason to take action. The police also looked into claims about her living arrangements and tax payments, but no further action will be taken. Angela Rayner sold her house in 2015 and made a profit, but she didn't have to pay tax on it because it was her main home. The police investigated after questions were raised, but they found no wrongdoing. Angela Rayner and Keir Starmer were also cleared in 2022 for breaking lockdown rules. Angela Rayner's son was born prematurely and spent time in intensive care. The police shared their findings with the tax authority and the local council. Angela Rayner faced questions about her living arrangements and tax payments, but the police found she did nothing wrong. The police also looked into claims about her voting address, but no further action was taken. Angela Rayner said she followed the law and paid the right taxes. The police finished their investigation and found no reason to take action against Angela Rayner. The local council also said they won't take further action. The Labour Party said Angela Rayner was not liable for tax on the house sale and followed the law. Angela Rayner received expert advice confirming she did everything correctly.


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