Bill Maher debates Sandra Bernhard on the source of antisemitism in America
- Comedian Bill Maher and actress Sandra Bernhard clashed over the causes of antisemitism in the United States.
- Bernhard claimed conservatives were behind the rise in antisemitism, but Maher disagreed.
- The debate highlights differing perspectives on the origins of antisemitism in the country.
Bill Maher and Sandra Bernhard disagreed about where the rise in antisemitism in the U.S. is coming from. Maher thinks it's mostly from the left, while Bernhard believes it's from the right. Maher argued that the left's focus on race and identity politics is fueling anti-Jewish hate on college campuses. Bernhard, however, feels safe as a Jewish person and doesn't think she's being persecuted. Maher and Bernhard also discussed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Bernhard criticized Netanyahu, calling him a troublemaker who is not good for Israel or Jews. Maher disagreed, saying that blaming Netanyahu for everything is not fair. He believes the Palestinian group Hamas is mostly to blame for the issues in the region. Maher pointed out that some people wrongly associate Israel with all the bad things white people have done. He emphasized that the situation is more complex than just labeling Israelis as colonizers. Bernhard and Maher had a heated exchange about Netanyahu's actions and motivations, with Bernhard accusing him of self-interest. In summary, Maher and Bernhard had a debate about the sources of antisemitism and the role of Netanyahu in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Maher highlighted the left's focus on identity politics, while Bernhard expressed her feelings of safety as a Jewish person. Netanyahu's actions were also a point of contention between them, with Bernhard criticizing him and Maher offering a different perspective.