May 31, 2024, 8:38 AM
May 31, 2024, 12:00 AM

Maya Train Threatens Mexico's Hidden Underground World

  • An intricate network of subterranean caverns, rivers, and lakes beneath Mexico's Yucatan peninsula is at risk.
  • The Maya Train constructed by Mexico's outgoing leader is posing a threat to the ancient caves and cenotes in the region.
  • Efforts to protect the valuable underground world from the impact of the train are urgently needed.

An intricate network of underground caves, rivers, and lakes exists beneath Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. The construction of the Maya Train, a project by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is causing damage to this hidden underground world. The train project aims to connect tourist destinations like Cancún and Playa del Carmen to remote sites, bringing money to neglected rural areas. However, the train is running over a fragile system of thousands of underground caverns, rivers, and sinkholes. Geologist Emiliano Monroy-Ríos from Northwestern University explains that these ecosystems are delicate and awe-inspiring. The construction of the train has led to the destruction of millions of trees and the disturbance of the cave system. Massive metal drills have been used to embed steel pillars into the limestone to elevate the train line, causing vibrations that break stalactites and pollute water with iron. The destruction caused by the train construction extends to the ecosystem, affecting the fresh water aquifer connected to the Caribbean Sea. The government's fast-tracked construction has faced criticism for lack of environmental impact studies and disregard for legal procedures. Scientists and environmentalists warn of long-term environmental damage due to the train project. The construction of the train has raised concerns about the collapse of the line due to the morphing limestone and caves underneath the pillars. Despite promises to prevent damage to the Great Mayan Aquifer, the environmental consequences of the construction remain uncertain. The project has sparked debates among politicians and activists, with some highlighting irreversible damage and others supporting its continuation. Efforts to clean the water system and caves affected by the train project are being made by volunteers in Playa del Carmen. The controversy surrounding the train's environmental impact has become a focal point in the lead-up to the country's presidential elections. Scientists emphasize the importance of preserving the delicate underground ecosystems threatened by the train construction.
