Jun 3, 2024, 9:20 PM
May 31, 2024, 12:00 AM

Brad Pitt's daughter petitions to remove father's last name on 18th birthday

  • Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's daughter, Shiloh, files court petition to remove 'Pitt' from legal last name.
  • The petition was filed on her 18th birthday, marking a significant personal decision.
  • The legal process to change her surname is underway, highlighting the family's public journey post-divorce.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's daughter, Shiloh, asked to change her name by removing "Pitt" when she turned 18. She filed the request in court on May 27. Shiloh was born in Namibia on May 27, 2006, and is one of six siblings. Shiloh is known for her voice acting in "Kung Fu Panda 3." Her parents, Jolie and Pitt, got married in 2014 but are now going through a divorce. They have had disagreements over their business ventures and property, like a winery in France. Shiloh's decision to change her name is significant because she is the first of the siblings to do so. Some of the other children have also stopped using their father's last name in public. The divorce between Jolie and Pitt started in 2016, with Jolie asking for sole custody of their children. However, a judge ruled in May 2021 that they would share custody equally. Pitt has accused Jolie of influencing their children to avoid spending time with him during visits. The legal battle between Jolie and Pitt involves disagreements over non-disclosure agreements and the sale of a winery. Pitt claims Jolie tried to prevent security guards from testifying in court. The relationship between Pitt and his children has reportedly been strained since the divorce. Shiloh's name change request is seen as a reflection of this strained relationship.
