Jun 5, 2024, 1:34 PM
Jun 1, 2024, 3:40 PM

Giorgia Meloni: Key player in EU politics, weighing between center-right and far-right ideologies

  • Giorgia Meloni has become a crucial figure in EU politics, courted by top leaders for support.
  • She faces a decision on whether to align with the center-right or far-right in her political stance.
  • With her long-term goals still unknown, the EU awaits Meloni's next move with anticipation.

Giorgia Meloni became Italy's prime minister in October 2022. She was known for leading the Brothers of Italy party, which had neofascist roots. She used to strongly criticize the European Union (EU), calling for its downfall. Many far-right parties in Europe expected her to support their nationalist agenda and challenge the EU's rules. However, when she took office, she surprised many by not following this path. Giorgia Meloni's unexpected actions have gained her support from Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president. Von der Leyen may need the votes of some far-right parties to secure her second term. Meloni's approach has caused concern among socialists, liberals, and greens who fear she may influence EU policies, especially on climate measures. Marine Le Pen, a Eurosceptic leader, has called for Meloni to join forces with other nationalist and far-right parties in the European Parliament. However, forming alliances with these parties could impact Von der Leyen's reappointment. Negotiations will take place after the elections to form new groups in the parliament. Despite her far-right background, Meloni has shown willingness to work with the EU at a high level. She has been described as a clever operator who may continue to balance her domestic far-right image with cooperation at the EU level. Meloni's actions could have implications for the composition of the European Parliament and the direction of EU policies.
