Jun 3, 2024, 5:00 PM
Jun 2, 2024, 7:28 PM

UK experiences record-breaking temperatures in Spring 2024

  • The UK has recorded its warmest spring in history.
  • May temperatures were 1C higher than any other year since 1884.
  • Met Office figures confirm the unprecedented warmth in the UK.

Spring 2024 in the UK was very hot and rainy. The Met Office, which keeps weather records, says it was the hottest spring ever in the UK. The average temperature for the season was 9.37 degrees Celsius. This beat the old record set in 2017. Even though there was less sunshine than usual, the heat was still high. May was especially hot, with temperatures breaking records. The UK also had a lot of rain, making it the sixth wettest spring since 1836. The Met Office explains that the warm temperatures in March and May, along with a slightly warmer April, made spring 2024 the warmest on record. Even though there wasn't much sunshine, the nights were warm. This helped raise the overall temperature for the season. The UK's climate is changing, with warmer and wetter weather becoming more common. The world has been experiencing record temperatures, with April 2024 being the hottest ever. In the UK, Scotland had particularly warm weather in May. England, Northern Ireland, and Wales also saw new temperature records. Despite the warmth, there was less sunshine than usual. Overall, spring 2024 was a mix of high temperatures and lots of rain in the UK. The warm nights and above-average rainfall contributed to making it the warmest spring on record.
