Jun 4, 2024, 9:31 AM
Jun 3, 2024, 11:58 AM

Vatican Cardinal Urges Europeans to Remember Migratory Roots Ahead of Elections

  • Jesuit Cardinal Michael Czerny dismisses the notion of immigration as a 'global crisis' before European elections.
  • He emphasizes the importance of Europeans recognizing their own migratory history in empathizing with displaced individuals.
  • The Vatican urges voters to approach the immigration issue with compassion and understanding.

In Rome, Cardinal Michael Czerny from the Vatican talked about immigration before European elections. He said it's not true to call it a big problem worldwide. Some people think migrants travel for fun, but that's wrong. He explained this during an event for Pope Francis' message about migrants and refugees. He suggested using the word "migrants" instead of "migration" to make it more human. He also mentioned that Europeans should remember their own ancestors who moved to new places. The Vatican wants to share positive stories about migration to change how people see it. Cardinal Czerny believes that the media often talks about migrants in a negative way. He thinks we need to hear more good stories about migration. Some groups want to change how journalists talk about migrants. They say we should avoid using words that make migrants seem bad. For example, they suggest not using terms like "illegal immigrants." They also want to avoid words that focus on a person's ethnicity. Instead of saying "Islamic extremists," they suggest just saying "extremists." Cardinal Czerny thinks that sometimes people blame migrants when things are not going well in a country. He said that migrants and refugees are often unfairly blamed for problems. He wants people to remember that many Europeans also have ancestors who moved to new places. He believes that showing kindness to migrants is important. Pope Francis also supports helping migrants and wants countries to welcome and protect them. Cardinal Czerny spoke to European voters before the European Parliament election. He reminded them to think about their own family history of moving to new places. He said that many Europeans have ancestors who were migrants. He thinks it's sad that people forget this after a few generations. He believes that now is the time to help migrants and refugees.
