Jun 6, 2024, 11:27 PM
Jun 3, 2024, 12:00 AM

Hunter Biden to Testify About Crack Cocaine Addiction and Gun Crime

  • Hallie Biden will testify about crack cocaine use with Hunter Biden, shedding light on addiction issues.
  • The trial will focus on the link between crack cocaine addiction and a dumped handgun.
  • Prosecutors are expected to call key witnesses to testify against Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden's ex-girlfriend, Hallie Biden, will talk about using crack with Hunter during a gun trial. Hallie, who is 50 years old, dated Hunter in 2018. She found a gun in Hunter's truck and got rid of it in a grocery store trash bin. Hunter used crack when he bought the gun, as shown in photos on his laptop. The Secret Service got involved in the investigation. Hunter faces charges for lying about buying the gun and possessing it while using drugs. Hallie and another woman, Zoe Kestan, will testify under immunity agreements. Kathleen Buhle, Hunter's ex-wife, will also testify but without immunity. Hunter's lawyer says he bought the gun while struggling with alcohol, not drugs. The trial does not allow TV, audio, or messages. The trial involves jurors who have dealt with addiction in their families. Hunter's wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, supported him in court. Hunter's defense argues he was unfairly targeted by the Department of Justice. The trial will focus on whether Hunter was using drugs when he bought the gun. The case includes evidence from Hunter's phone and his book. Hunter's defense claims he was not using drugs at the time. The trial is expected to last two weeks and may be used for political purposes.
