Jun 7, 2024, 10:35 AM
Jun 4, 2024, 12:48 PM

Republican senators support Larry Hogan against attacks from Team Trump

  • Republican senators back Larry Hogan in response to attacks from Team Trump.
  • Larry Hogan's Senate campaign faces challenges due to loyalty tests and attacks from Lara Trump.
  • Senators seek RNC's support for Larry Hogan's anti-Trump positions for Senate majority win.

Larry Hogan is running for the United States Senate in Maryland. Some Republican senators support him because they want more Republicans in the Senate to set the agenda. Hogan is facing Democratic nominee Angela Alsobrooks in the election. A Republican has not represented Maryland in the Senate since 1980. Hogan is seen as a centrist Republican, not very conservative. He believes people should respect the legal process, even if they disagree with the outcome. Some Republicans, like Lara Trump, are upset with Hogan for not supporting former President Donald Trump. However, other Republican senators defend Hogan and want him to win the Senate seat. They think it's important for the Republican Party to have more senators. Hogan openly supports a woman's right to choose and wants to restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Some Republicans worry that if Hogan wins, it may influence other Republicans to also support pro-choice views. Republican senators are asking the Republican National Committee to support Hogan, despite his anti-Trump stance, to help the party win a Senate majority. They believe it's crucial to have more Republican senators, especially with the upcoming elections. Hogan's campaign is seen as a promising opportunity for the GOP to gain a Senate seat. Some Republicans may not agree with all of Hogan's views, but they still hope he wins the election.


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