Jun 4, 2024, 8:42 PM
Jun 4, 2024, 12:00 AM

Garland stands firm against attacks on Justice Department in Congressional testimony

  • Attorney General Merrick Garland defends the Justice Department in the face of unprecedented attacks.
  • Garland rejects conspiracy theories and accusations by Republican lawmakers, asserting he will not be intimidated.
  • He firmly states that the work of the Justice Department will not be derailed by baseless allegations.

Attorney General Merrick Garland spoke to lawmakers in Washington. He criticized Republicans for attacking the Justice Department. Garland said he won't be scared. He mentioned that the claim about the department's involvement in a case against Trump is a conspiracy theory. Despite attacks from Trump and his allies, Garland stated that the Justice Department will keep following the law. He emphasized that attempts to hold him in contempt are part of a series of attacks on the department. Garland assured that these attacks won't affect the department's decisions. Garland faced questions about the department's role in upholding the law. He refused to provide audio of Biden's interview, saying it could harm future investigations. Garland defended the department's independence when discussing specific cases with Democrats. He also mentioned ongoing investigations into Trump and Hunter Biden. Garland stated that he won't let false narratives and attacks affect the Justice Department's work. During a hearing with the House Judiciary Committee, Garland defended the Justice Department from conspiracies and attacks. He accused some members of seeking to hold him in contempt to obtain sensitive information. Garland refused to release audio recordings related to Biden's handling of classified documents. He stressed that he won't jeopardize future investigations. Garland highlighted that attacks on the Justice Department won't influence their decisions. Garland's appearance before the committee aimed to address concerns about the politicization of the Justice Department. He faced questions about the department's handling of investigations and refusals to provide certain information. Garland reiterated that the Justice Department will continue its work without being intimidated by attacks or false claims.


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