Jun 5, 2024, 12:44 PM
Jun 5, 2024, 12:00 AM

Lib Dem leader Ed Davey issues apology for speeding violation on M1 motorway

  • Lib Dem leader Ed Davey was caught speeding at 73mph in a 60mph zone on the M1 motorway.
  • He apologized for the violation and accepted points on his driving license.
  • The incident led to a criminal prosecution due to failure in providing driving license details.

Sir Ed Davey, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, was caught driving over the speed limit on the M1 motorway. He was driving a Ford B-Max and was fined for going 73mph in a temporary 60mph zone near Caddington in Bedfordshire. This resulted in a fine and three points on his driving licence. Sir Ed apologized for speeding and explained that he missed the temporary speed limit sign on the M1. He admitted that he was busy and overlooked providing his licence details to the court. He mentioned that he is the main driver in a family of four, with two family members having serious mobility issues. His wife has MS and walks slowly with a stick, and his son has a disability that requires a special vehicle. The case was handled through paperwork without a court appearance. Sir Ed paid a £72 fine at Luton Magistrates' Court and had three points added to his licence. He accepted the penalty and apologized for the oversight in not providing his licence details promptly. Sir Ed has since switched from the Ford B-Max to his party's yellow general election battle bus for his campaign activities. He has been meeting voters and participating in events for the election. In summary, Sir Ed Davey was fined for speeding on the M1 motorway, apologized for the mistake, and accepted the consequences.


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