Jun 9, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jun 5, 2024, 4:17 PM

Texas Governor Launches Effort to Apprehend Top 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrant

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced a new initiative to target criminal illegal immigrants on the state's most wanted list.
  • A Mexican national on the Top 10 Most Wanted list was arrested for a parole violation related to a murder charge.
  • This arrest follows Governor Abbott's announcement of the law enforcement tool to address the immigration crisis in Texas.

Police caught a man from Mexico who was on Texas' list of the top 10 most wanted illegal immigrants. He was wanted for breaking the rules of his release after being charged with murder. The man, Servando Trejo Duran Jr., 62 years old, was arrested in Baytown, Texas. He is an illegal immigrant from Mexico and has connections to eastern Harris County, including Baytown and Deer Park. In 1980, he was arrested for breaking into a house and got probation for 10 years. In February 2023, he was arrested for tampering with a government record and let out on bond. The authorities have not said who will take his place on the most-wanted list. The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, made a list of the top 10 most wanted criminal illegal immigrants in Texas. He did this to deal with the high number of illegal immigrants, including dangerous criminals and terrorists. These people will now be on the list to keep Texans safe. The crimes on the list include serious offenses like sexual assault and burglary. The goal is to catch these criminals before they commit more crimes. The Texas Governor is taking strong action to protect the state from the immigration crisis caused by President Biden's policies. Texas is a state that follows the law, and with the help of its people, they will arrest the illegal immigrants on the list to keep communities safe. The director of the Texas Department of Public Safety said that criminals who come to the U.S. illegally and commit crimes in Texas are a danger to public safety. People on the list are likely to commit more crimes, so the public's help is needed to catch them before they harm others. President Biden signed an order to address the border crisis, but Governor Abbott called it a distraction from the real problem. He believes the order will make the situation worse by allowing more illegal immigrants to enter the country. Abbott thinks the order will make it easier for millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. to stay and for more to come in every day.


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