Jun 24, 2024, 2:42 PM
Jun 23, 2024, 4:03 AM

Mexico City Neighborhood Celebrates Volkswagen Beetle Day with Parade

  • Enthusiasts in a Mexico City neighborhood celebrate the iconic Volkswagen Beetle with a parade.
  • The Beetle, originally from Germany, holds a special place in the hearts of residents on the fringes of Mexico City.
  • The event highlights the cultural significance of the Beetle in the local community.

In a hilly neighborhood on the outskirts of Mexico City, the iconic Volkswagen Beetle, known as "vocho" in Mexico, continues to reign supreme despite dwindling numbers. Once hailed as the "people's car," production of older models ceased in 2003, followed by newer versions in 2019, leading to challenges in finding parts for maintenance. Taxi drivers like Janette Navarro still prefer the Beetle for its affordability and rear-engine design, which provides extra power for navigating steep hills. Despite the discontinuation of production, drivers like Navarro and mechanic David Enojosa remain committed to keeping their Beetles running, with some resorting to scavenging for parts in the neighborhood. For many residents in this area, the Beetle holds sentimental value, with one driver even naming his car "Gualupita" after his wife and customizing it with unique features. The neighborhood has a rich history of vochos, with families passing down the tradition of driving and maintaining these beloved vehicles. Despite the challenges posed by the discontinuation of production and scarcity of parts, drivers like Becerra remain optimistic about the enduring presence of vochos in their community. Adaptation and resourcefulness are key in ensuring these iconic cars continue to roam the streets, serving as a symbol of resilience and nostalgia for many residents. The Beetle's distinctive presence in this neighborhood reflects a deep-rooted connection to its history as a popular mode of transportation in Mexico. As drivers navigate the winding streets and steep inclines, the enduring legacy of the vocho is evident in the stories and memories shared by those who have grown up with these beloved cars. While the future of the Beetle may be uncertain, its legacy lives on in the hearts of those who continue to cherish and maintain these enduring symbols of automotive history in Mexico City.
