Jun 24, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jun 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

CBS News poll reveals young voters favoring Biden but reluctant to vote

  • A recent CBS News poll indicates that voters under 30 are more inclined towards President Biden.
  • However, the enthusiasm for these young voters to actually vote for either candidate is low.
  • Carolyn DeWitt from Rock the Vote discusses the findings with CBS News.

In a recent CBS News poll, it was revealed that voters under the age of 30 are showing a strong preference for President Biden over former President Donald Trump, with a significant 23-percentage point lead. However, the poll also highlighted a concerning lack of enthusiasm among young voters towards either candidate. Carolyn DeWitt, the president and executive director of Rock the Vote, shared insights on these findings during a discussion with CBS News. The survey further indicated a prevailing pro-abortion sentiment among Americans, particularly among the younger demographic, who are leaning towards supporting President Biden in the upcoming election. Despite this trend, there is a sense of pessimism among young voters regarding the future world they will inherit. Anthony Salvanto, CBS News' executive director of elections and surveys, delved deeper into these observations. The data suggests a significant divide in political preferences between the younger generation and older demographics, with President Biden enjoying a notable advantage among voters under 30. However, the overall lack of enthusiasm for either candidate raises questions about voter turnout and engagement in the upcoming election. These insights shed light on the complex dynamics shaping the electoral landscape leading up to November. As the election approaches, understanding the attitudes and sentiments of young voters becomes crucial for political analysts and campaign strategists. The findings of the CBS News poll underscore the importance of addressing the concerns and priorities of the younger demographic, who hold significant sway in shaping the outcome of the upcoming election. Stay tuned for more updates and analysis on the evolving political landscape as the race for the presidency intensifies.


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