Jun 24, 2024, 8:55 PM
Jun 24, 2024, 12:02 PM

Nonprofit's $500 grants help Paradise residents reduce insurance costs post-Camp Fire

  • Nonprofit organization provides $500 grants to Paradise residents.
  • Residents facing challenges in finding affordable homeowner's insurance after the 2018 Camp Fire.
  • Grants aim to help residents cut insurance costs as they rebuild post-disaster.

In Paradise, California, residents rebuilding after devastating wildfires are facing challenges beyond just physical reconstruction. Brian Gobba, a former construction estimator turned fire prevention inspector, highlights the complexities of starting anew in a fire-ravaged community. However, the Rebuild Paradise Foundation is stepping in to assist families in enhancing their properties' wildfire resilience. Through initiatives like the Defensible Space Gravel Grant, offering $500 vouchers for gravel to create protective buffers around homes, the foundation aims to mitigate fire risks and help residents qualify for private insurance once more. The threat of wildfires in California has led to a significant increase in home insurance premiums, with insurers becoming more cautious about underwriting policies in high-risk areas. As a result, many families in Paradise are struggling to afford coverage, making initiatives like the Defensible Space Gravel Grant crucial for their ability to rebuild and protect their homes. The foundation has seen a high demand for the grant, with over 150 families applying within five weeks of its launch, indicating the urgent need for support in the community. Despite the challenges, the Rebuild Paradise Foundation is determined to assist 1,000 families in enhancing their properties' fire resilience. To achieve this goal, additional funding is required, prompting efforts to secure grants and expand the program. The impact of these grants, no matter how small, is significant for residents like Gobba's neighbors, enabling them to return to their community and rebuild their lives. The sense of community support and resilience among those who have already returned to Paradise is evident, emphasizing the importance of collective strength in overcoming adversity.


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