Jun 25, 2024, 9:48 PM
Jun 24, 2024, 12:00 AM

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna pushes for House vote on arresting Merrick Garland this week

  • Rep. Anna Paulina Luna is determined to bring her resolution to arrest Attorney General Merrick Garland to the House floor this week.
  • The resolution is a part of Luna's 'inherent contempt' plan following the DOJ's refusal of a criminal referral against Garland.
  • Luna aims to initiate a House-wide trial leading to the potential arrest of Merrick Garland.

In a bold move, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) is set to push for a vote on her "inherent contempt" resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland this week. This comes after the Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to pursue criminal charges against Garland for his refusal to provide the audio recording of President Joe Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur. Luna's resolution, unlike the Judiciary Committee's, invokes the long-dormant power of inherent contempt, allowing the House to detain individuals until they comply with congressional demands. Luna criticized the DOJ's decision as a "blatant disregard for Congress," arguing that relying on criminal or civil contempt, which require enforcement from other branches, undermines Congress's authority. The potential use of inherent contempt, last employed in 1935, could see Garland arrested by the sergeant-at-arms and brought to trial on the House floor. Luna's efforts highlight concerns about the balance of power between Congress and the executive branch, particularly regarding the enforcement of subpoenas and legislative oversight. Republicans supporting Luna's resolution argue that the audio recording is crucial for evaluating Biden's memory and ensuring equal application of justice. They contend that transcripts alone cannot capture important nuances, such as tone and inflection, that could impact the investigation. Luna's push for inherent contempt reflects a broader debate over congressional authority and the consequences of non-compliance with legislative demands, with implications for future interactions between Congress and the executive branch. The upcoming vote on Luna's resolution is expected to be contentious, with Democrats likely to oppose it. Luna will need to designate the resolution as "privileged" to expedite the process, but its success hinges on garnering sufficient support from fellow Republicans. The use of inherent contempt on a Cabinet official like Garland, especially in a situation involving executive privilege, would mark a significant and unprecedented development in congressional proceedings, underscoring the high-stakes nature of the current standoff between Congress and the DOJ.


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