Jun 25, 2024, 12:30 PM
Jun 25, 2024, 8:12 AM

Outcry as John Oliver calls for the UK to 'cleanse' Conservatives

  • John Oliver urges the UK to 'wash away' Tories at the next election.
  • He suggests celebrating a UK 'Independence Day' on July 4 if the Conservatives are defeated.
  • Oliver sees an opportunity for the UK to rid itself of 14 years of Conservative rule.

In a bold move that has sparked both applause and criticism, comedian John Oliver has stirred controversy by urging the UK to rid itself of 14 years of Conservative rule. The British-born host of HBO's Last Week Tonight made his impassioned plea during a recent episode, declaring July 4 as a potential "Independence Day" for the UK if Rishi Sunak loses power. Oliver, who has been a US citizen since 2019 and last lived in Britain during Blair's Labour government, received cheers from his New York audience as he called for a united stand against the Tories. During his televised rant, Oliver likened the upcoming UK election to a pivotal moment in history, drawing parallels to America's Independence Day. His remarks, which have garnered over 100,000 views on Twitter, have resonated with his left-wing supporters while drawing ire from critics who question his credibility given his extended time away from the UK. Despite the delayed broadcast of his show in Britain, Oliver's message has ignited discussions as the country approaches its polling day. Not shying away from controversy, Oliver also took aim at the British royal family, suggesting Princess Anne may have passed away and criticizing the institution as "fundamentally flawed" and "emotionally stunted." This is not the first time the comedian has made provocative statements about the royals, previously advising Meghan Markle against marrying into the family. His outspoken nature has further fueled debates on both sides of the political spectrum, adding fuel to the ongoing discourse surrounding the upcoming election. As the UK gears up for a crucial decision at the polls, Oliver's call to action has injected a new level of intensity into the political landscape. With his impassioned plea for change and his unapologetic criticism of the current government, the comedian has sparked conversations about the future direction of the country. Whether his words will sway voters or simply add to the existing polarization remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: John Oliver's message has left a lasting impact on the discourse surrounding British politics.


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