Jul 2, 2024, 11:11 AM
Jun 29, 2024, 9:56 PM

Morgan Freeman criticizes TikTok deepfake replicating his voice

  • Morgan Freeman speaks out against a TikTok video using AI to replicate his voice.
  • The deepfake impersonated Freeman's voice, raising concerns about unauthorized AI use.
  • Freeman labels the deepfake as a 'scam' and emphasizes the importance of exposing such practices.

In a recent incident, renowned actor Morgan Freeman expressed his disapproval of a video circulating on TikTok featuring a voice impersonating him. The video, falsely claiming to be narrated by Freeman, was shared by a user who managed to deceive some viewers despite including the hashtag "ai." Freeman took to social media to thank his supporters for alerting him to the video and emphasized the importance of reporting unauthorized AI use to maintain authenticity and integrity. This is not the first time Freeman's name and likeness have been exploited without his consent, as evidenced by previous incidents involving deepfake videos. One such incident involved a video sent to Freeman's EVP, which appeared to show him firing her, and another where Freeman was seemingly promoting a book. The EVP, Lori McCreary, was almost fooled by the latter deepfake, highlighting the increasing prevalence of AI-generated content misrepresenting celebrities. The use of generative AI to replicate celebrities' likenesses without their permission has sparked confusion, criticism, and legal issues, with instances like Drake facing backlash for allegedly using Tupac Shakur's AI-generated voice in a song. The video in question, titled "This is Not Morgan Freeman," featured an AI-generated version of Freeman's voice humorously narrating an influencer's day, leading to mixed reactions from viewers. While some believed the voice-over to be authentic, others quickly identified it as AI and mocked those who were deceived. The incident underscores the challenges posed by the misuse of AI technology in creating deceptive content, with implications for identity protection and the preservation of authenticity in media. Freeman's response to the video serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against unauthorized AI use and the importance of vigilance in safeguarding against such scams.


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