Jul 4, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

Security guard obsessed with Holly Willoughby found guilty of kidnap and murder plot

  • Security guard convicted of planning to kidnap and murder Holly Willoughby.
  • Prosecutors argued that the guard was obsessed with the English television presenter.
  • Court revealed disturbing details of the guard's intentions towards Willoughby.

In a chilling court case at Chelmsford Crown Court, a security guard named Gavin Plumb, 37, was found guilty of plotting to kidnap, rape, and murder TV presenter Holly Willoughby. The court heard how Plumb meticulously planned the attack over several years, engaging in graphic and sexualized conversations online about his intentions. He shared disturbing details with an undercover police officer, including images of his "kidnap kit" and discussions about slitting Willoughby's throat and disposing of her body in a lake. Plumb's previous convictions for attempted kidnap and false imprisonment were highlighted during the trial, indicating a pattern of behavior aimed at controlling and terrifying women. Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC argued that Plumb's actions were not mere fantasies but carefully calculated plans, supported by the items seized by police from his flat in Harlow, Essex, including handcuffs, rope, and bottles labeled as chloroform. The court was told that Plumb had a history of struggling with his weight and lived predominantly online. The prosecution emphasized that Plumb went to great lengths to convince others that his intentions were real, dismissing any notion of his plans being mere fantasies. Ms. Morgan pointed out specific details in Plumb's messages that indicated a clear intent to carry out the attack, such as discussing specific dates for the crime. She stressed that real people had been threatened by Plumb in the past, underscoring the seriousness of his actions. As the trial continues, the prosecution plans to seek a restraining order and a sexual harm prevention order against Plumb at his sentencing hearing. The case has raised concerns about the dangers of online conversations escalating into real-life threats, highlighting the need for vigilance and intervention to prevent such heinous crimes from being carried out. The court's decision on Plumb's sentencing will be eagerly awaited as justice is sought for the potential victims of his disturbing plot.


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