Jul 6, 2024, 5:53 AM
Jul 2, 2024, 1:57 PM

Growing Call Within Democratic Party for Biden to Withdraw from Reelection Race

  • Prominent Democrats, including Rachel Maddow, are urging Joe Biden to consider dropping out of the reelection race.
  • Second sitting Democrat expresses openness to a Trump win in the upcoming election.
  • Democrats are facing a decision on whether Biden should continue his bid for presidency amid concerns over his cognitive ability.

In recent developments, President Joe Biden is under mounting pressure to withdraw from his reelection bid as concerns over his mental fitness have been raised following a lackluster debate performance. Several prominent Democrats, including sitting members of Congress like Doggett and Grijalva, are urging Biden to step aside and make way for a new nominee, with Vice President Kamala Harris being suggested as a potential replacement. The calls for Biden to withdraw have been echoed by former presidential candidates like Ryan and Castro, as well as other party members like Frisch and Williamson. Maine Democratic Rep. Jared Golden has also joined the chorus, expressing doubts about Biden's ability to win against Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Citing Biden's debate performance as a key factor, Golden believes that Trump is likely to emerge victorious and suggests that Biden should follow in the footsteps of past leaders like Lyndon B. Johnson who withdrew from races under challenging circumstances. The pressure on Biden to step down has been further fueled by a CBS News/YouGov poll showing a growing number of voters questioning his mental and cognitive health. The growing calls for Biden to withdraw have not only come from within the Democratic Party but also from key donors and supporters who believe that a change in leadership is necessary for the party's success in the election. Major Democratic donor Whitney Tilson has urged Biden to step aside immediately for the good of both himself and the country. The delay in Biden's response to these calls has only heightened concerns among party members and donors, with the window for making a decision seen as narrowing rapidly. As the debate over Biden's future continues, potential replacements like Governors Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are being discussed, although reservations about Harris as a successor persist among some Democrats. The financial implications of a potential replacement are also a factor, with the $91.2 million raised by the Biden-Harris ticket not transferable to another candidate under Federal Election Commission rules. With pressure mounting and the election drawing closer, the decision on Biden's future in the race remains a critical issue for the Democratic Party.
