Jul 3, 2024, 9:55 PM
Jul 2, 2024, 12:00 AM

Young boy rescued from burning Pittsburgh-area home after calling mom

  • An 11-year-old boy was trapped inside a burning home in Ingram.
  • He used his cellphone to call his mom, who then helped firefighters locate him.
  • Fortunately, the firefighters were able to rescue the boy from the burning house.

An 11-year-old boy in Ingram, Pennsylvania, found himself trapped inside a burning home and used his cell phone to call his mother for help. The incident unfolded late in the evening on Leslie Street, prompting a response from Pittsburgh firefighters. The boy's mother informed the firefighters that her son was stuck on the third floor, where heavy smoke was reported upon arrival. Despite her efforts to locate him in the intense heat, smoke, and darkness, the boy managed to guide his rescuers by calling his mother and describing his location in a low closet area on the third floor. Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire Chief Darryl Jones commended the boy's resourcefulness in providing crucial information through the phone call, enabling the firefighters to swiftly locate him in the small storage closet on the third floor. The boy was found conscious and alert, subsequently receiving medical evaluation. His father, who was not present during the fire, expressed gratitude that his entire family, including their two dogs, safely evacuated the burning house. The mother recounted her harrowing experience of helplessly watching thick smoke and flames engulf the home, describing it as a terrifying ordeal. Chief Jones highlighted the significance of the mother's role in providing essential details about the house layout and her son's whereabouts, facilitating the successful rescue operation. The firefighters' prompt response and effective coordination led to the boy's safe retrieval from the perilous situation. The family's emotional turmoil during the fire was palpable, with the mother expressing profound fear and relief at the dramatic turn of events. The community rallied behind the family, acknowledging the bravery and quick thinking displayed by the young boy in ensuring his own rescue amidst the chaotic blaze.
