Jul 6, 2024, 1:39 PM
Jul 3, 2024, 10:34 AM

Renowned Nazi hunter advises choosing far-right National Rally over far-left in French elections

  • France's famous Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld suggests voting for the far-right National Rally over the far-left in the parliamentary elections.
  • He argues for choosing Marine Le Pen's party when facing a competition between the National Rally and a far-left opponent.
  • Klarsfeld's advice raises eyebrows due to the historical context and implications of supporting the far right.

PARIS - With France's crucial parliamentary elections looming, renowned Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld has stirred controversy by advising voters to choose the far-right National Rally over a far-left competitor in a runoff scenario. Klarsfeld, an 88-year-old Jewish historian known for his pursuit of fugitive Nazis, argues that Marine Le Pen's party supports Israel and the Jewish community, making it a preferable choice in such a situation. This advice contrasts with the stance of many other Jewish leaders and intellectuals in France, who prioritize combating the National Rally in Sunday's vote. While Klarsfeld himself plans to vote for President Macron's centrist alliance, he acknowledges that voters in various French districts may only have the option of selecting between a National Rally or a France Unbowed candidate in the run-off elections. The National Rally emerged strongest in the initial round, positioning the party and its allies closer to government influence than ever before. However, the final outcome on Sunday remains uncertain as rival political factions seek to impede the National Rally's progress. Critics of Klarsfeld's advice point to the National Rally's controversial history, including ties to individuals with Nazi affiliations like Pierre Bousquet, a former member of the Waffen-SS. Marine Le Pen's efforts to distance the party from its extremist roots have led to internal reforms, with Klarsfeld highlighting her purported pro-Jewish statements and acceptance of laws protecting Jews. Despite these reassurances, skepticism remains, with some viewing Klarsfeld's recommendation as a potential trap for voters. As the election approaches, the debate over strategic voting intensifies, reflecting broader concerns about the rise of far-right and far-left ideologies in French politics. Klarsfeld's stance underscores the complex dynamics at play, where historical legacies, party transformations, and electoral calculations intersect in shaping the country's political landscape. The upcoming parliamentary elections hold significant implications for France's future direction, with voters facing critical decisions amid competing narratives and visions for the nation's trajectory.


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