Jul 11, 2024, 3:11 PM
Jul 7, 2024, 8:43 PM

Biden loses support after ditching note cards during Pennsylvania swing

  • A survey conducted for a group advocating for a 'mini-primary' of Democrats reveals Biden losing support in critical swing states.
  • President Biden abandoned his note cards and teleprompter during a Pennsylvania swing but still faced loss of support from key House leadership.
  • The event showcases challenges faced by Biden in maintaining political support.

In a recent survey conducted by Emerson College Polling for the group "Democrats for the Next Generation," it was revealed that President Joe Biden is losing ground in all six critical swing states due to concerns about his age and mental acuity. The survey suggested that a younger Democratic candidate could fare better against former President Donald Trump, with Biden trailing in head-to-head matchups. The group, led by former Intuit and PayPal CEO Bill Harris, is advocating for a "mini-primary" among Democrats under the age of 60, including figures like Vice President Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The survey results showed Trump leading Biden by an average of 4 percentage points in the swing states, with similar trends seen in other recent battleground polls. Trump held leads in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada, highlighting the potential vulnerability of Biden in these key states. The survey also revealed that voters overwhelmingly preferred a president in their 50s, indicating a preference for younger leadership. Despite growing calls for him to step aside, Biden reiterated his commitment to staying in the race, dismissing critics as "elites" and "millionaires." While some House members have publicly voiced doubts about Biden's candidacy, fewer senators have called for a change in leadership. Biden recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, attending church services and engaging with supporters, emphasizing the importance of grassroots politics in the upcoming election. As concerns mount within the Democratic Party about Biden's performance and electability, prominent figures like Rep. Nadler have publicly expressed doubts about his ability to lead. With ongoing debates about the need for a younger candidate to energize the party and improve its chances against Trump, the issue of age and leadership remains a central focus in the lead-up to the next election. Biden's resilience in the face of criticism and calls for change underscores the challenges facing the party as it navigates a shifting political landscape.
