Jul 12, 2024, 3:05 PM
Jul 10, 2024, 9:00 AM

GOP alters abortion stance in platform, sparking dissent among delegates

  • GOP introduces new language on abortion in party platform, drawing mixed reactions.
  • Some anti-abortion groups support the change as a move towards a 'pro-life' position.
  • Delegates express dissent over the perceived shift in the party's stance on abortion.

In a recent development within the GOP, the 2024 party platform has sparked controversy among delegates, particularly regarding the issue of abortion. A symbolic "minority report" was drafted by 18 dissenting delegates due to the platform's lack of support for a "human life amendment" to the Constitution and the application of the Fourteenth Amendment's protection to unborn children. The dissenters expressed disappointment that the new platform only opposes late-term abortion and leaves the matter to be decided by states, deviating from the party's historical stance on the sanctity of life. Former President Donald Trump's stance on leaving abortion decisions to states has influenced the party's shift in approach, aiming to counter Democrats' advantage on the issue. The updated GOP platform emphasizes a pro-life position without calling for constitutional amendments or a national ban on abortion, focusing on protecting life at the state level. While some anti-abortion groups have praised the new language for maintaining a pro-life stance, dissenting delegates argue that the party is diluting its traditional opposition to abortion, which has been a core principle for years. Senate Democrats have seized the opportunity to highlight their policy differences with Republicans by pushing for legislation to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law and reinstate national abortion access. However, their efforts have faced opposition from Republican senators who argue that such measures would fund abortions with taxpayer money and promote "abortion on demand." The Democrats' initiatives come amidst internal party turmoil over President Joe Biden's political future, with concerns raised about his age and mental acuity impacting his ability to serve a second term if re-elected.


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