Aug 19, 2024, 9:00 AM
Aug 19, 2024, 9:00 AM

record-breaking heat continues globally for 14 months

  • NOAA confirmed July was the 14th consecutive month of record-breaking global temperatures.
  • The current heat streak is influenced by human-caused climate change and the absence of El Niño or La Niña.
  • Future temperature trends remain uncertain, but collective action is crucial in addressing climate change.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that July marked the 14th consecutive month of record-high global temperatures, a streak only rivaled by a previous hot period from May 2015 to May 2016. This ongoing heat is attributed to human-induced climate change, which has been steadily increasing temperatures since the mid-1970s. The current climate situation is further complicated by the absence of an El Niño or La Niña phenomenon, which typically influences global temperature fluctuations. Climatologist Karin Gleason from NOAA highlighted the variability in temperatures year-to-year, but emphasized the overall upward trend. The recent neutral state of the tropical Pacific has not mitigated the rising temperatures, which have been exacerbated by warm Atlantic Ocean waters. Gleason noted that the margin of temperature increase from last July was minimal, indicating uncertainty about future temperature trends. Looking ahead, a La Niña is forecasted for the fall, suggesting a potential shift from warming to cooling. However, Gleason cautioned that if a strong El Niño occurs in the future, it could lead to another series of record-breaking months. The unpredictability of these climate patterns makes it challenging to forecast long-term temperature trends. The situation underscores the importance of collective action in addressing climate change. Gleason's insights suggest that while natural phenomena play a role, human activities are significantly influencing the climate, and every effort to mitigate this impact can contribute to a more stable environment.


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