Jul 16, 2024, 9:10 PM
Jul 16, 2024, 9:10 PM

Local Officials Criticize Biden's Wind Farm Plans

  • Local officials and federal officials critcize Biden's top-down approach to wind farm plans.
  • Internal documents reveal surprising pushback from local governments in a Democratic state.
  • Biden's administration faces opposition as it accelerates offshore wind development.

The Biden administration's push for offshore wind farm development has sparked significant opposition from local governments in Rhode Island, who claim their concerns have been largely ignored. Internal documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon reveal that local officials expressed frustration in a November 2022 letter to the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), describing the process as "dysfunctional" and accusing federal officials of authoritarianism in their decision-making. The officials highlighted fears that the wind farms would mar Rhode Island's scenic vistas, emphasizing the adverse visual effects of the proposed infrastructure. The controversy traces back to the South Fork Wind project's initial construction and operations plan submitted in June 2018. The project was later identified as a key component of the Biden administration's green energy strategy, receiving approval in November 2021. However, concerns regarding the impact on historic properties were raised by Cultural Heritage Partners, which prompted a response from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). Despite acknowledging the concerns, ACHP determined that BOEM had met its preservation requirements, allowing the project to proceed. Critics, including local stakeholders, argue that BOEM has disregarded their input, moving forward with approvals without adequate consultation. Chamberlain, a local official, criticized the Interior Department for its apparent indifference to community concerns, suggesting that Secretary Haaland's promises for improved engagement with Tribes and local stakeholders have not materialized. Additionally, issues with the approval process for the Vineyard Wind project have been highlighted, indicating systemic problems within BOEM's approach to stakeholder engagement.


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