Jul 25, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 25, 2024, 12:00 AM

Nature Retreat Offers Sanctuary from Modern Life

  • The Sharpham estate in Devon has been a refuge for those looking to escape the pressures of modern life.
  • The writer shares their personal journey of grappling with anxiety during their stay.
  • Overall, the retreat aims to promote peace and mindfulness for those seeking relief from stress.

Nestled atop a steep field overlooking the River Dart, Sharpham House has transformed into a sanctuary for those seeking respite from the pressures of contemporary living. Established as a charity in 1982 by Ruth and Maurice Ash, the retreat focuses on meditation and nature-based courses, providing a tranquil environment for personal reflection and growth. The latest addition, the Coach House, a converted stable yard, enhances the retreat's offerings, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the serene landscape. Participants at the retreat engage in various activities designed to foster mindfulness and connection with nature. The experience begins with a nature walk led by volunteer coordinators, who dedicate their time to guiding others through the healing power of the outdoors. Each morning unfolds with a sense of calm, as guests embrace the stillness and beauty surrounding them, often described as “timeless time.” Evenings are marked by group meditation sessions, where participants share their feelings and support one another in a nurturing environment. Guided by Caroline, the group engages in a ritual of self-love and care, fostering a sense of community and belonging. The final evening culminates in a circle around a fire bowl, where participants release their anxieties and embrace the grace of the moment, creating a profound sense of connection. As guests depart from Sharpham House, they carry with them a renewed sense of peace and clarity, reflecting on the transformative power of nature and shared experiences. The retreat leaves an indelible mark, offering a blessing that resonates long after leaving its tranquil grounds.


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