Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM

Trump addresses affordability crisis at Economic Club of New York

  • John Carney discussed Trump's speech addressing the affordability crisis, focusing on housing and energy.
  • Trump proposed opening federal lands for housing and emphasized the need for permitting reform to reduce energy costs.
  • Carney concluded that Trump's proposals could effectively address the affordability crisis affecting many Americans.

During a recent appearance on Fox Business Network's 'Kudlow,' John Carney, the economics editor for Breitbart News, discussed former President Donald Trump's address at the Economic Club of New York. Carney highlighted that Trump effectively tackled the pressing issue of affordability, particularly in housing and energy. He emphasized that surveys indicate these areas are significant concerns for many Americans, exacerbated by the current administration's policies. Trump proposed opening up federal lands for housing development, a move that Carney noted as a new approach. This suggestion aims to alleviate the housing crisis by increasing available land for construction. Additionally, Trump mentioned the need for permitting reform to make energy more affordable, addressing another critical aspect of the affordability crisis. Carney pointed out that excessive environmental regulations hinder builders from obtaining necessary permits, which delays housing construction. He argued that these regulatory challenges could be addressed at the federal level, suggesting that the current regulatory environment is a barrier to solving the housing shortage. In conclusion, Carney affirmed that Trump's proposals could significantly impact the affordability crisis, particularly in housing and energy. By addressing these issues, Trump aims to provide solutions that resonate with the concerns of many Americans, who are struggling with rising costs in these essential areas.


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